Friday, May 30, 2008

YAY! Friday

So I watched LOST last night, I’m so F***ing confused! I’m glad that Desmond reunited with Penny. Poor people on the boat L, where is the damn island?
What happens to the people that are on it?

Anyhow….SATC movie! I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully no drama J

Thursday, May 29, 2008


My first entry….I don’t know why I have the sudden urge to blog…I tried to recover my xanga acct but whatever, it was being retarded.

I forgot my mascara this morning….uh! I’m going to go buy some during lunch….I can’t walk around with out my complete look…I’m such a princess

I woke up with a great feeling….my hubby is so cute! We left the same time this morning but I hate parting ways in the morning, wish we could work together